
Electroless plating properties


NIPLATEĀ® coatings are highly versatile and suitable for a variety of welding applications. With the exception of the Niplate 500 PTFE coating, which has specific characteristics, the other coatings can be used to facilitate welding by brazing with tin alloys or ultrasonic welding for electronic applications.

One of the innovative uses of NIPLATEĀ® coatings is ultrasonic welding of aluminum electrical contacts, such as on busbars in the automotive field. This process ensures a reliable and durable connection, which is essential for electrical component performance and durability.

To obtain proper weld adhesion, the use of acid fluxes (RMA, RA) is recommended, especially if considerable time elapses between coating deposition and welding. This ensures a clean and solid connection.


  • Hardening heat treatments create a superficial layer of nickel oxide that can hinder weld adhesion. Ensure that the surface is properly activated with acid fluxes or avoid hardening treatments if they aren't required.
  • NIPLATEĀ® coatings can form a passive layer of nickel oxide over time, invisible to the naked eye. Since this layer can interfere with weld adhesion, limit the storage time of already nickel-plated workpieces to a few weeks.
Chemical Resistance